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Training Cryptocurrencies - how to start and survive? is a course for beginners considering investing in bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, as well as for intermediate advanced ... and not only for them, as experienced investors will certainly find something for themselves here.

Here you will learn the basics of technology, learn to evaluate projects, assess investment risk, and be safe  cryptocurrency exchangeand read our practical advice and views on the entire market and its future. We invite you!

1. Introduction

Cryptocurrency training - Introduction - get to know basics of technology, mechanisms market valuation bitcoin, cryptocurrency advantages, as well industry vocabulary and slang crypto community.

a) Blockchain - what is it?

Bitcoin and almost all other cryptocurrencies are based on blockchain technology. What is it about? How it works? What can be used in everyday life? Understand the blockchain before you invest in cryptocurrencies. Read more…

b) Is bitcoin a speculative bubble?

Everyone in the mainstream media screamed out loud that bitcoin was a speculative bubble. Were they right? How much is bitcoin worth? Is it just a strange invention and its price could drop to zero? Or maybe 1 bitcoin will be worth a million dollars? Read more…

c) Cryptocurrencies - what are they and what are their uses?

A way to earn money online? Fraud? Or maybe a revolution in the world of finance that will affect traditional banking and stock markets? All basic information about cryptocurrencies and what they give us. Read more…

d) Dictionary, encyclopedia, tokenopedia

The most common, specific and general terms, including slang from the world of cryptocurrencies. Review the following articles to find out what they mean and what their meaning and practical application are:
Altcoin | ATH | Blockchain Explorer | FOMO | FUD | Hodl | Proof-of-Stake (PoS) | Satoshi | Shortować | The cryptocurrency community | swap | Token | tokenization | Whale

explanations of passwords in preparation:
ERC20, Fork, Gas, Mainnet, Masternode, P2P, Proof-of-Work (PoW)

2. What cryptocurrencies to invest in?

Cryptocurrency training - chapter two is information, what crypts to invest in and how to get there. Investing in ICO, STO and IEO. How to earn a price change. What determines the cryptocurrency valuation? How to independently evaluate a project, or crypto research. How to track the progress of the project? How to detect a possible scam or scam?

a) Investing in starting projects - ICO and STO

Is it worth to invest in ICO? Does the ICO have a future? What is this security token and how it differs from utility token? What is STO and why it may be the future of the cryptocurrency market after its settlement? Read more…

b) What affects the valuation of cryptocurrencies and how to earn?

What is the relationship between the progress and successes of the cryptocurrency project, the quality of its products and their applications with the exchange quotation of the token associated with it? When does the price rise and when it drops? Is it worth investing in cryptocurrencies in the long term? Read more…

c) Independent assessment of the cryptocurrency project

What information should be read before we invest in a project in the long term? What to look for? How to assess if a given cryptocurrency is prospective? Read more…

d) How to track project development progress and detect any fraud?

After purchasing cryptocurrencies, you should follow the progress of the related project. It may turn out that the team has stopped working or just pretends to do something. Not looking after your investment, we can miss the obligatory exchange of tokens and lose money. Where to find information? Where to track your progress to keep up? Read more…

3. The basics of the cryptocurrency market game

Cryptocurrency training - chapter three is basics of the cryptocurrency market game. Rules for safe use of the network and logging into exchanges. Which crypto currency markets to use? Which stock exchanges are the best? How do you read a chart and assess a good shopping moment? How to assess the investment risk. When to sell? Is long-term investment the best? Why is stock market speculation fighting against your own emotions?

a) Security in the world of cryptocurrencies - remember that!

Before you create an account and deposit your money in order to buy the first cryptocurrency, check out the security tips in the world of cryptocurrencies. Read more…

b) Cryptocurrency exchanges - types, ranking, opinions

How does such a cryptocurrency exchange operate? What are their types? Which exchanges are the biggest, the best, what are the opinions? What to watch out for? Where to buy a given cryptocurrency? Read more…

c) Where to track and how to read the stock chart?

Where to find a chart of price changes for a given cryptocurrency? What do the bodies and candle wicks on the chart mean? Chart analysis platform. Read more…

d) How much can you lose? Investment risk assessment

Capital protection is one of the most important elements of investing. How to calculate risk and divide funds into various investments? How to protect yourself against falling prices of cryptocurrencies? Read more…

e) Create your own investment strategy

How to invest in cryptocurrencies? Will the long-term hodl be more suitable for you, or do you prefer speculation in the short and medium term? How to divide capital? Do you have so much time to keep track of all events? Read more…

4. Purchase of bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrency training - chapter four is guides on recommended exchanges cryptocurrency. Instructions, like create an account, How to buy cryptocurrencies. An overview of the interface of the best stock exchanges. How follow the state of the portfolio and how safe store cryptocurrencies?

a) Bitcoin for free from Coinbase - guide

For setting up an account and first investment in cryptocurrencies, the American stock exchange Coinbase gives you bitcoins worth 10 dollars. In addition, you can earn tokens worth several hundred zlotys for viewing educational materials. How to create an account and buy bitcoin by paying by card or by bank transfer. Read more…

b) Easy purchase of bitcoin for PLN 1 on Bitbay

Step by step instructions on how to set up an account, transfer money and buy cryptocurrencies on the Polish Bitbay exchange. How to withdraw cryptocurrencies or transfer them to Binance? Read more…

c) Trading cryptocurrencies on Binance - the best exchange

Binance is the best stock exchange offering hundreds of different cryptocurrencies in high-liquid trading pairs. Sooner or later, you'll create an account there. Discover the platform with our comprehensive guide. Read more…

d) How to buy bitcoin anonymously, cryptocurrencies?

You want to take advantage of the cryptocurrency of the world, which is partial anonymity. See our guide on how to buy Bitcoin without providing your personal details. Read more….

e) Keep track of the value of your portfolio

Many accounts on different exchanges, many buying and selling transactions, many wallets, many cryptocurrencies - how to keep track of your investment portfolio? Read more…

f) Safe storage of cryptocurrencies

Cryptocurrencies are yours only if you have a private key to them. Keeping tokens on stock exchanges is discouraged. Check what types of bitcoin and token portfolios are, and which ones are the safest. Read more…

Do you have any questions? Doubts? Not everything is still clear?

Do you want someone experienced to help you invest? Technical issues, evaluating a cryptocurrency project or completing an investment portfolio?

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Cryptocurrency Schools - How to Get Started is a course available for free only on the portal. All rights reserved. Copying, duplicating and using the content or fragments published here without the knowledge and consent of the author is prohibited.

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LTC: LTi7Nh1bXVMAFsdFqr4swqxe6PWNmEB5NA

4.2 / 5 - (755 votes) is a cryptocurrency site run by a crypto team of enthusiasts. The main area of ​​our interest are cryptocurrencies, tokens, personal tokens as well as blockchain technology. On the pages of our website we will present independent cryptocurrency reviews and interesting articles from the market. In addition, we present the current rates of all critics. The site also has a multi-functional cryptocurrency calculator as well as traditional currencies.

The information posted on the portal is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or financial recommendation within the meaning of the law, including the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 October 2005. The published content does not constitute an investment offer. is not responsible for decisions made based on the information provided. Investments in cryptocurrencies, OTC instruments and CFDs involve the risk of losing some or all of the invested capital. Profits on such markets are dependent on market volatility and the financial leverage mechanism used, which can lead to losses exceeding the value of the initial deposit. Therefore, such investments may be inappropriate for people who do not have the appropriate experience or risk tolerance.

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