Internet messenger Telegram, created by Russian entrepreneurs, announced the launch of a new technology-based service at the end of October blockchain -Telegram Open Network (TON). Its purpose will be to send encrypted messages.
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TON network with its own cryptocurrency
According to the official press release issued by the platform Telegram, the new solution based on will be active from the end of October.
Service Telegram Open Network (TON), because we are talking about it, it will be used to encrypt Telegram communicators.
At the same time, representatives of the platform asked investors who received software for generating keys in the TON network to provide the public key by October 16.
Thanks to this they will be able to move token A telegram called I play (GRM) to myselves portfolios.
It will start after successful testing. The TON trial version was released in April to selected developers. She then received favorable reviews.
The offer also for individual investors
Gram Tokens Individual investors may also purchase after meeting the appropriate conditions.
First of all, they must have a verified account, correctly set up transfers and implement the necessary security measures to prevent access to the account by unauthorized entities (the most recommended is the AF2 procedure). Institutional investors also have almost identical rules.
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Integration with Ethereum
It is not excluded that Telegram Open Network will be integrated with the network Ethereum. This solution will allow the transfer of Ethereum smart contracts to TON nodes.
Additionally, to attract investors, Telegram announced a competition to build smart contracts for the Telegram Open Network. The prize pool is expected to reach up to $ 400.
About Telegram
The Telegram platform was founded in 2013 by two Russians - brothers Nicholas and Pavel Durov.
Currently, it supports over 200 million users, and one of its biggest successes was obtaining last year nearly 1,7 billion dollars in two investment rounds.
The platform has already raised serious reservations from the Russian authorities, mainly due to the fact that messages transmitted through it are difficult to control due to the effective security system.