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Genesis "Hodl"

"Hodl" - neologism word-formation derived from the word "Hold". Presents the strategy of the so-called "Hodlers" or people who do not deal with day-tradingiem - they only buy cryptocurrencies and keep them for a long period of time with the hope of future large increases in a given value.

It comes from an anecdotal user's post on bitcointalk forum December 2013, who wanted to get off the community from the losses he suffered without selling Bitcoin before falling - after the price reached the historic ATH ("All Time High"). So he decided that he was simply a poor trader and would hold Bitcoin until the price returned to its purchase level or higher. As the entry was emotional, full of nerves and written under the influence of alcohol - this user - slipped by writing "hodling" instead of "holding" and it amused the readers of the post so much that it entered the culture of the cryptocurrency community forever as a term for people who they just buy and keep, i.e. they use the so-called Hodl.

Who is Suppoman?

Suppoman or Michael Suppo is the pseudonym of one of the most recognizable "Influencers" cryptocurrency, which works primarily through the site youtube .

Hodl Suppoman

2 weeks ago - Suppoman - leading his broadcast live - presented his investment portfolio for 2019, where he presented the cryptocurrencies in which he invested in the hope of future growth. I think it is worth getting acquainted with what may be hot one day - taking into account the influence that media people have in today's world.hodl

As you can see in the attached picture - its investment portfolio defined as a percentage consists of projects such as:

Stellar , ZilliqaEthos, Utrust, described on the portal Cardano, EthereumOntologyMainframeBitcoin i mysterious No 1

In addition to his main portfolio, "Hodl", he also introduced the currencies he holds in smaller amounts as the so-called "Black horses" that can give you high profits in the futurehodl

We see projects such as those described on our website:

Holo, Matrix or Pundi X


NanoEOSicon, VechainNEO, Wanchain, ZebiFusion, BAT, as well as some lesser known ones such as: Fantom, Eden, Trinity, Yggdrash, Omnitude, Quark or Celer.

You can buy most of the currencies you have in the stock market Binance or at the currency exchange office Changelly.

What's behind No 1 in Suppoman's "Hodl" wallet?

The mysterious project, which is the greatest asset in its investment portfolio, is the project revealed in the film Hedera Hashgraphwhich is supposed to be a revolution in the world blockchain. However, coins can not currently be bought because they are blocked until the beginning of the 2019 year.

5 / 5 - (18 votes) is a cryptocurrency site run by a crypto team of enthusiasts. The main area of ​​our interest are cryptocurrencies, tokens, personal tokens as well as blockchain technology. On the pages of our website we will present independent cryptocurrency reviews and interesting articles from the market. In addition, we present the current rates of all critics. The site also has a multi-functional cryptocurrency calculator as well as traditional currencies.

The information posted on the portal is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or financial recommendation within the meaning of the law, including the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 October 2005. The published content does not constitute an investment offer. is not responsible for decisions made based on the information provided. Investments in cryptocurrencies, OTC instruments and CFDs involve the risk of losing some or all of the invested capital. Profits on such markets are dependent on market volatility and the financial leverage mechanism used, which can lead to losses exceeding the value of the initial deposit. Therefore, such investments may be inappropriate for people who do not have the appropriate experience or risk tolerance.

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