Nowadays, almost all of us have an account on at least one, more or less known, social network. However, it is not a secret that the existing media are largely mastered and controlled by large corporations. As a result, published content or user data is not completely secure. The solution to these types of problems (and many more) are Social Media Blockchain, decentralized, technology-based blockchain, independent social media.
Such applications are unique for several reasons. One of them is the fact that they reward their users for shared posts. We all know how, for example, facebook has obtained assets on (free) content that its users uploaded there. A new generation of social media will allow earn money for its users cryptocurrencies only for publishing posts.
An additional advantage of blockchain social media is security data.
Anthony di Iorio, co-founder Ethereumfor Bloomberg he says:
"These decentralized systems are not yet made to grow for mass scale. There are always problems with new technologies. It needs time."
There are a lot of reasons for that. The innovative media market is still in its infancy, but it is growing at a very fast pace. Everyone would certainly find for themselves alternative for 'conventional' social networks. To facilitate your choice, we have prepared for you a list, in our opinion, of the best blockchain social media.
Highly configurable, based on Ethereum blockchain, information platform which is an alternative to websites such as Facebook or Google. His goal is to be his core users and truthand not financial benefits derived at their expense.
Sam Mathews, editor Sapien Network explains that "contemporary social networking sites are outdated and dangerous. Sapien uses powerful blockchain capabilities to protect the user and the truth. In this way, Sapien hopes to build a brighter future for the media, which brings out everything that is best in man, without losing transparency. "
He describes himself as the first social network based on blockchain Steema- a decentralized platform for publishers to monetize their content. It is a platform similar to Reddit.
Steemit thinks users should be rewarded for the attention and contribution they bring to the platform. It is a kind of point system. However, this is a blockchain-based system, whereby points can be sold on the market as chips. The rewards people will receive are tokens that they have a market value and are easily tradable.
David Kadavy, a Steemit user, said for Bloomberg:
"I feel like in stone age using Facebook or Twitter. They have no value without what you contribute to them. If Facebook does not react to this state of affairs, things can change quickly. They should be very worried. "
This application allows share content to its users and rewards them every time their post gets 'liked' by another user. Of course, the 'payment' of remuneration is made in cryptocurrencies.
However, this is not the only way to reward your users. The service will also be available Foresting Bank. It's dedicated cryptographic bankwho lends to creators who need help in creating their projects.
Service streaming musicas an alternative to Spotify. It was created with thought in mind eliminate the biggest disadvantages the music industry. The platform's musicians are rewarded in a cryptocurrency for every song in which they play. In addition, listeners can also earn coins. To achieve this you just have to listen to sponsored songs or create pre-made music playlists.
Based on blockchain Ethereum and Wavesplatform social panel. Ensure easy control in decentralized social networks. It also supports building a community and social interactions with cryptocurrency awards. moves all social networks of a specific unit into one place. In other words, the contents of one person can be distributed to all of their networks via the onG network. Unlike traditional systems, where creators must search for advertisers, the onG network. from a technical point of view, it 'lends' advertisers to content owners.
As an alternative to WhatsApp, it is a chat application that prides itself on securing the privacy of everyone user. This application does not spy on, track or share any user data.
This is not the only advantage of Me We. The platform has a number of interesting features such as messages that disappear after some time, voice memos, mail and chat options. For convenience, the application also has a function data storage in the cloud.
A decentralized, professional serving network economy skills. He shares some similarities with LinkedInbut the innovative interface is completely unique.
Users register their profile on the portal and start by making claims regarding the things they have done (running events, completing work or university, etc.). At this point, someone from your network can 'confirm' your action while improving your reputation. After this event both the user and the person approving they receive indorse buckthat can be sold for an Indos token.
The platform thus encourages the development of its networks, updating skills and validating the skills of others - rewarding for this cryptocurrency. It helps to develop a more honest and reliable network of professionals.
Application for photographers and influential users earning on their content. The application in its operation is similar to the well-known Instagrama. The main difference between the two applications is that Steepshot rewards its users cryptocurrencies according to the popularity of the content published by them.
An exceptional platform exchange of knowledge. Originally this application was created to be able to use it to pay for a direct connection with experts to exchange knowledge. However, this is not the only application of the platform. Currently, it can also be used for private voice calls.
A hybrid of media and social network managed by artificial intelligence and users. The platform, according to its official website, is currently counting above 700 thousands of users around the world. Sola disseminates information to the most interested users, using artificial intelligence algorithms in combination with user reactions. As a result, high-quality content can easily reach the entire database of portal users.
This platform uses the so-called Action Points, in other words, the virtual internal currency of Sola, which has no monetary value until someone approves or registers the content. Right now Action Points transformed into tokens SOL.
"SOL can be used in the Sola ecosystem to purchase services. Can also be used outside the platform. This allows each user to make money from the content they share. Not only the known and influential. "- he says for ICO Alert Ilya Zudin, co-founder and CEO of Sola.
An application running on the platform Steemit. To a large extent modeled on YouTubehowever, the business model is more fair in relation to content creators. Some time ago, YT significantly impeded the creators from earning money on commercials played when their content was included. D Tube offers an alternative version for vloggers who will earn money on the videos they record.
Creative Circle they are awarded with the Steem currency, proportionally to the amount of engagement they receive on their content. They can earn from them for seven days after they are published.
A unique system of rewards based on blockchain, which aims to consolidate all global point packages into one handy application.
At present, points worth all over the world over 360 billion dollars they remain unclaimed. The purpose of Rewardzzz is to counteract such situations through a wide range of companies using one application rewarding users.
similar to Slack'a, blockchain social platform involving team chat. In addition to standard chat functions, Rocket Chat also enables video conferencing, screen sharing tools, file sharing and real-time translation.
From color to choice
As you can see the world of decentralized applications and web portals is growing strongly. At the moment, based on blockchain social media, they are becoming more and more popular. Practically every 'conventional' social networking site already has its decentralized counterpart. We therefore hope that we've helped you find your favorite blockchain app.