Blockchain i artificial intelligence join forces again. companies KPMG she obtained a patent from the US Patent and Trademark Office for a method based on block chains, focused on improving the selection and management of data used to train machine learning and AI models.
As representatives argue KPMG, the use of blockchain technology will allow the use of data entrusted to the company in a highly responsible manner, and thus management will be much more efficient and secure.
Actions taken by KPMG are also intended to increase the level of confidence in data based on artificial intelligence.
Many modern enterprises are very well aware of the potential of data-driven business models that can significantly increase their competitive advantage.
However, the current legal status imposes the need to monitor data to prevent legal abuse.
Machine learning models can prove to be a very useful tool, but to fulfill their functions properly, it is necessary to improve both the quality and data security.
KPMG solution
To meet the above challenge, KPMG has developed a solution that has been patented by the US Patent and Trademark Office, and which shows how to use blockchain to store and track data used throughout the entire AI life cycle in a clear and transparent way.
The KPMG tool covers, firstly, the training, implementation and monitoring of artificial intelligence models and their algorithms, and secondly, the establishment of the AI supply chain, verifying how and where individual data and models have been generated and used.
The KPMG patent is one of the elements of the company's broader strategy, focused on the development and implementation of technological solutions through investments in new technologies, as well as establishing closer relationships with technology companies that are significant on the market.
In a sense, the new solution fills a gap in the data management concepts developed so far, while the use of blockchain technology seems to be highly promising in this case.
Its purpose is to manage the origin of the data and to support the integrity of models and algorithms, which will allow, above all, to identify, manage and monitor data. In other words, a new method developed by KPMG uses blockchain to show how data should be protected so that it can be trusted and used responsibly in the AI lifecycle. By gaining an appropriate level of trust and transparency, artificial intelligence has a chance to become one of the most reliable technologies.