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The digital technologies they are based on kryptowaluty have a lot to offer. Their potential is proved by the fact that world giants are interested in them, and one of them is the Microsoft corporation. She plans to introduce the tool Microsoft Argus based on blockchainiethat is designed to combat pirated software.

Microsoft is fighting piracy

The American IT giant plans to implement the project Microsoft Argusin which a web-based tool will be used Ethereum. This mechanism is to be based on anonymous denunciations.

Open source software will be co-developed by Microsoft Reaserch Asia, Alibaba and Carnegie Mellon University. Microsoft has already disclosed the details of its new solution, including its implementation plan and overall evaluation.

The functioning of the Argus project will be based on a publicly available blockchain, which will allow informants to report suspected digital piracy. Of course, they gain full anonymity and the public is fully transparent.

Microsoft Argus will reward you for reporting denunciations

The operation of Microsoft Argus will therefore be based on the fact that reports submitted by anonymous informants will enable quick identification of the sources of pirated content. This will be possible thanks to the original watermark called "ProofOfLeakage".

In this case, the blockchain acts as something like a book, in which every action is recorded immediately after its authentication. The watermark will additionally result in the fact that only one informant will be able to submit a given copy of the software. Importantly, this type of denunciation will not involve high transaction fees, characteristic of the Ethereum network.

There are prizes for people submitting reports of piracy, but it is not yet known in what form.

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