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Tool Max Crowdfund launched its own STO Security Token Offering. The first European investors have already joined the offer. The STO has been divided into five phases, the first of which has already exceeded EUR 500.

Development towards tokenization

There are many indications that the Max Crowdfund platform has set itself the goal of making a revolution on real estate marketusing a strong strategy tokenizacji, STO has already attracted the first European investors. The main idea guiding the company is the implementation of the goal based on technology blockchain.

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Max Crowdfund it also contributes to providing the necessary liquidity on the Union market. As the platform's activity is currently very popular, the funds obtained under STO will be allocated for further development of the project.

Ultimately, it is to become a complete ecosystem tokens related to the real estate market, access to which will be possible, among others using mobile devices.

See also an example of real estate tokenization: Atlant analysis (ATL) - investment profitability, expected profit

Max Crowdfund open to all investors

To the process tokenizacji other real estate companies will also be able to join through Max Crowdfund, gaining benefits without having to invest in blockchain technology.

Thus, any project that will meet with the approval of investors will be able to count on funding.

Thanks to Max Crowdfund, many barriers related to the real estate market can be lifted soon. First of all, the platform has lowered minimum amount of participation in sales up to USD 100. At the same time, Max Crowdfund remains open to global audiences.

About Max Crowdfund

The Max Crowdfund platform belongs to the crowdfunding of Max Property Group BV Its activities are aimed at improving the real estate investment sector.

The number of Max Crowdfund users currently amounts to nearly 75 global users. The company is currently awaiting approval of the license by the Dutch financial authorities (AFM).

Also check: UPRETS tokenizes real estate in New York

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