Putting yours kryptowaluty are already planning China - now it's time for The European Union. The Finnish EU presidency has proposed a rather controversial solution to the creation of a digital currency by the European Central Bank. Eucoin (Eurocoin - The official name is unknown) - European Union cryptocurrency is to be the first step towards standardizing the digital asset market.
The Union should join the cryptocurrency market
The Finnish presidency has developed a document about the EU's policy on cryptocurrencies.
The project also included a provision for exploring the possibility of creation, by European Central Bank and other EU banks, own cryptocurrencies.
It cannot be ruled out that it will be adopted in December this year and will be issued later Eucoin - European Union cryptocurrency.
Unification of the policy towards digital currencies
The proposed draft also includes the harmonization of regulations regarding digital currencies, but it may also include a ban on the issue of those cryptocurrencies that are considered too dangerous.
Member States are to be invited to jointly develop an approach to and trade in digital currencies.
Eucoin cryptocurrency and the entire project associated with it, however, raise some doubt as to whether the proposed regulations will not turn into a cannon aimed at digital currencies.
Libra under a question mark
The EU document can be considered in a sense as an answer to the announcement Facebook about the introduction of the stable cryptocurrency Libra, which took place in June 2019 year.
Ultimately, it will be based on traditional currencies, i.e. dollar, yen, British pound and Singapore dollar.
According to the initial assumptions, Pound it was to be launched as early as 2020, but as declared Mark Zuckerberg, this will not happen until the required consents of the regulators of individual countries have been obtained.
Although initially high hopes were associated with Libra, it quickly began to raise doubts as strong as enthusiasm.
Electronic payment operators, i.e. the first to withdraw from cooperation with Libra PayPal, Visas i Mastercard.
Many politicians did not like the idea, and thus - the need arose to develop appropriate regulations related to the cryptocurrency market.