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CurioInvest is a project developed by car and technology enthusiasts blockchain, whose authors focused both their passions in one place.

They created the original collector's car market, which can be joined by a large group of new investors who did not previously have access to this group of assets.

Vintage cars - a new area of ​​interest for STO from CurioInvest

As it turns out, vehicles can be used not only as a means of transport. What some enthusiasts perceive them in categories works of art, whose value depends on how unique the car is, in what condition it is, as well as on its aesthetic value.

The cost of some models is sometimes very high, which is why they are only available to selected ones connoisseurs, although financial means do not always guarantee the possibility of buying a car.

What's more, in the case of collector's cars, it is not enough to just store them in the garage - proper maintenance and regular use are necessary. However, these are activities that require special skills.

Nevertheless, collector cars are one of the most valuable asset classes.

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Solution proposed by CurioInvest

CurioInvest is a platform that provides a wide range of investors with access to the assets they are collector's cars.

The creators of the project achieve this goal through strategic investments in this type of car, for which an even greater increase in their value is forecast.

Trading this type of asset will be much simpler through the use of technology blockchain.

CurioInvest proposed hers Security Token Offeringin which tokens They represent fractional ownership of the unique vehicle collection.

Investors gain the right to a proportional proportion of the profits as they are sold at a reasonable profit, amounting to at least 120 percent. original purchase price.

Thanks to used by CurioInvet strategy, a wide range of investors has been given the opportunity to invest in this group of assets, while gaining greater liquidity.

What makes the CurioInvest offer different?

As representatives of CurioInvest themselves argue, the platform offer was developed primarily for investors. Therefore, its structure may undergo changes as suggested by customers.

In addition, emitted by the platform ERC20 tokens are the first to represent assets such as collector's cars.

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The information posted on the portal is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or financial recommendation within the meaning of the law, including the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 October 2005. The published content does not constitute an investment offer. is not responsible for decisions made based on the information provided. Investments in cryptocurrencies, OTC instruments and CFDs involve the risk of losing some or all of the invested capital. Profits on such markets are dependent on market volatility and the financial leverage mechanism used, which can lead to losses exceeding the value of the initial deposit. Therefore, such investments may be inappropriate for people who do not have the appropriate experience or risk tolerance.

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