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Welcome to our eighth summary of the week!

Bitmain - another office closed

Is this a continuation of the financial problems of the Chinese giant known from the excavator production? It looks like it, the more so because it's not the first such report lately. This time he fell to an office in Amsterdam.

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Fashion for crypto-gadgets continued

However, this time we are talking about not just what kind of gadgets. It's about the luxury watch of a Swiss company A. Favre & Fils. What Makes it so special? The watch will have an interesting feature for the cryptocurrency society - cold wallet will be implemented in it. However, not everyone will be able to afford such a watch, as its price will reach around $ 100. However, we can expect the first prototype in the second quarter of 2019.

The next step Bakkt

Word that Bakkt it will not start on the planned date - January 24 - some time ago it has been circulated by social media, and the specific date of the start is not known. However, a slight slippage does not stop the project from further development. CEO of Bakkt Kelly Loeffler announced that it managed to obtain assets belonging to Rosenthal Collins Group (RCG), which will contribute to the further successful development of the project.

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Binance Jersey and further development

Some time ago we informed about the start of a new branch of the stock exchange Binance - Binance Jersey. As you could guess, the stock market is targeting European customers. Enables trade Crypto-Fiatwhich is currently a need on the market and is enjoying growing popularity. The new branch of Binance is growing rapidly and, as reported by foreign media, they are still recruiting new people to the exchange service team.

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Bitwage gives you new opportunities

Bitwage after establishing cooperation with Payroll gives new opportunities to more companies. From now on, companies that are Bitwage clients will be able to pay salaries to their employees in the form of cryptocurrencies. Admittedly, it is a really interesting initiative and perhaps a very groundbreaking blockchain technology for adoption.

tZERO is taking off next week

Official information about the start of tZERO has appeared. Ceo Overstock's Patrick Byrne has announced the launch of the platform at the end of next week.

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