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While there has been more and more talk of integration lately blockchaina ze artificial intelligence, a new competitor for digital technology is appearing on the horizon - quantum computers.

Perhaps both solutions will join forces, although at the moment it is difficult to assess whether they will compete with each other or whether their integration will be more profitable.

It is worth taking a closer look at the invention, which has such a huge potential.

Kubit replaces the bit

Many experts believe that quantum computers will bring massive performance gains, which could herald another technological revolution.

Unlike traditional computers, in their case the data is represented by the quantum state of the system in which bit has been replaced by cubit.

It is called the so-called superposition of classical zero and one (0 or 1 values ​​are assumed for classic computers).

In practice, this means that it adopts each of the values ​​in part.

Quantum computers they are also characterized by much greater computational efficiency and this is what their greatest potential is perceived for, allowing them to complete tasks much faster.

The meaning of qubit can be reduced to a part without which a larger whole could not function.

A group of qubits creates quantum register, which is a system consisting of a group of smaller systems.

Data from the register is then processed by quantum circuits. Quantum computers, despite many favorable opinions, are also not free from defects.

Development barriers for quantum computers

What may discourage quantum computers is the process quantum decoherection, referring to impacts quantum object to the environment where system information is lost.

The greater the number of qubits in the quantum register, the faster they are decoherence, while the number of qubits determines the capabilities of the computer.

Therefore, any device with a quantum system should be isolated from the environment (temperature well below zero, zero vibration, zero electromagnetic radiation) - practically absolute isolation.

On the other hand, measuring the state of a quantum object is associated with the risk of losing the calculation result.

Quantum computers also require appropriate software based on the rules of quantum mechanics.

What benefits can quantum computers bring us?

Despite the abovementioned features of quantum computers that discourage their use, they can serve people in developing new, effective solutions in various fields.

Much can gain, for example medical industry.

Quantum computer simulation of the structure of molecules is highly helpful in the development of new drugs.

Another area where quantum technology is being tested is automotive.

Volkswagen for example, intends to use it to develop an application to optimize traffic.

Quantum computers they are also tested in the financial industry, primarily for the purpose increasing the level of security.

It is primarily in the context of the financial sector that the study is being considered quantum blockchain.

This is because this solution is seen as a perspective for the development of artificial intelligence supporting decision-making processes and assessing market risk - hence, higher profits would be generated.

The use of quantum computers is currently only being discovered, so this technology may surprise more than once, revealing more areas of its functionality.

However, all this is still ahead of us, and therefore it will be time to show whether the integration of two "big" technologies - blockchain and quantum - is possible and what benefits can result from it.


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