Blockchain, a technology that is widely talked about in context cryptocurrency, reveals its wider application, which has nothing to do with Bitcoin. It turns out that block chains are also used in keeping medical records.
Blockchain is not computerization
Several countries have already appreciated the technology blockchain, using it in public administration - also in the health service, and more precisely in the management system medical records.
Experts, however, raise the alarm not to confuse the use of block chains in the healthcare system with its computerization.
So the question is what does blockchain give to healthcare?
The use of block chains in the health care system is to ensure, above all, a higher level security of patient data and medical records.
Also check: Blockchain in health care
Other countries use blockchain in medical documentation
Although blockchain has become really loud recently, and especially in the context of digital money, in 2005 this year they turned to this solution Estonians.
It was created then Estonian E-Health Foundationwhose activity focused on protecting the integrity of patient data, and block chains have proved to be an important tool to achieve this goal.
A special system of electronic medical records was created, collecting necessary data from the portal e-patient.
This solution provided doctors with easy and secure access to important patient data without having to search for them in paper documentation.
The Estonian system has proved useful for one more reason. Thanks to the data obtained for Ministry of Health, it became possible to create statistics on health trends and to more effectively control health care spending.
Another example of the use of blockchain technology in medical documentation is the British platform the medicalcha, which is to store medical data.
At the same time, patients are guaranteed constant access to information about their treatment, and access to cards can be granted via a mobile device.
Doctors, on the other hand, provide quick insights into the patient's health history, for which it is only necessary to scan the code for the individual patient.
By gaining access to patient data, British medical facilities can register and carry out their activities on a distributed book.
The platform also enables fast online consultationsduring which the doctor has regard to medical records.
The MedRec platform, which was created in Boston, is also based on blockchain Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center.
Its operation is based on smart contracts Ethereum, which allows medical service operators to share patient data with each other as long as they consent to this via smart contracts.
What can blockchain give to Polish healthcare?
Blockchain used in medical documentation in Polish health care, could provide her with fast and secure access to patient medical data as well as other medical facility data.
This would significantly facilitate an objective assessment of the condition of medical facilities, and thus - the development of solutions adequate to the needs of society.
Systems that draw on blockchain technology therefore guarantee a comprehensive, permanent database, which, with the consent of the patient, can be quickly and safely made available to medical entities.
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