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About the blockchain is still expanding its area of ​​application, much has been written recently. It will not be surprising that this technology is entering a new ground again. This time the ground is genetics - Gene bank recently announced the introduction of a new service based on blockchain.

Blockchain and DNA

Communication technologies continue to grow rapidly, offering ever new and more surprising solutions to ensure real-time connectivity for people around the world.

Gene bank recently offered his clients the opportunity to learn about their roots and make contact with others.

All this is to be done through DNA testing, and the entire service is supported by blockchain technology. DNA is a source of information not only about a person's origin, but also allows you to indicate, for example, his predisposition to specific mental or physical ailments.

Gene bank leads currently crowdfunding campaign on the pages of the investment platform Republic.


Its completion is scheduled for mid-March.

Also check: Blockchain in health care


Genobank has entered quite thin ice, because the service is based on human DNA, due to its use, raises a lot of controversy.

The data generated on the basis of the DNA chain is the most confidential and intimate data for each human being. That is why confidentiality and privacy issues are of great concern here security.

Often, this type of data has already leaked and abused.

Despite the implementation of ever new solutions aimed at protecting privacy, this area still remains quite problematic. Genobank sees solutions in blockchain technology, which allows for fully anonymous use of the platform.

Therefore, customers will have the opportunity to learn more about themselves, while maintaining full anonymity.

As the company assures, there is one private DNA portfolio per user. It is not possible for third parties to receive access to it without the explicit consent of the person concerned.

DNA pounds

Genobank intends to launch special DNA points where users could download kits to analyze their DNA.

Thanks to this solution, this service will become available to everyone, as it will not require providing any personal data.

Medical facilities can also benefit from Genobank's innovative offer.

Also check: Blockchain in medical records

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