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The dynamically developing economy and the financial market generate the development of modern technologies that support and facilitate the activities of entrepreneurs. Every year there are innovative solutions that successfully replace those already existing. Current knowledge and experience become insufficient. Increasingly, the IT industry needs new specialists with unprecedented competences. New professions and new jobs are created.

New professions in the blockchain and cryptocurrency sectors

Today thanks to the knowledge JavaScript and/ or PHP When we look at job offers, we feel at ease and steadily because there are still no specialists in these areas on the labor market. Soon, however, the situation will change, the market will be supplemented. On the other hand, new technologies are developing, which are becoming increasingly popular, and hence demand for programmers in these new areas will be growing. There are new professions and some are very promising.

Blockchain Engineer

One of the technologies that will be needed in the coming years is specialists Blockchain. Until now, this system was known mainly to cryptocurrency specialists and developers. More and more often "kryptomaty", Where anyone can buy virtual currency without problems, such as Bitcoin or Ethereum, and we can make cryptocurrency payments in a taxi or store. In the era of threats in cyberspace, the development of such technology as Blockchain seems inevitable, and the dynamic development of cryptocurrencies has recently generated a huge demand for specialists in this field.

Machine Learning Specialist

Most of us have to deal with every day artificial intelligence a small format in the form of various virtual solutions in their smartphones. It is not a secret, however, that the work on artificial intelligence continues and absorb the huge resources of its investors, who sooner or later count on the results of this research. The first fields of study of this specialty were also created. People choosing a profession machine learning engineer and/ or specialist in natural language processing they must be both specialists in Java, C, C ++ and JavaScript, Perl or Python.

Big Data Engineer

In the US, the most sought-after and one of the best-paid professions is Big Data analysis specialist. Python developers are particularly appreciated. This language is a very effective tool for collecting and processing tera and zetabytes of data existing in the virtual world. Data contained on the Internet and devices such as "Smart" are a mine of knowledge for companies or government institutions, and knowledge is the basis of modern business.

The emerging technologies that are to revolutionize the market also generate new needs, and hence the growing demand for specialists in this industry.

4.7 / 5 - (3 votes) is a cryptocurrency site run by a crypto team of enthusiasts. The main area of ​​our interest are cryptocurrencies, tokens, personal tokens as well as blockchain technology. On the pages of our website we will present independent cryptocurrency reviews and interesting articles from the market. In addition, we present the current rates of all critics. The site also has a multi-functional cryptocurrency calculator as well as traditional currencies.

The information posted on the portal is for informational purposes only and does not constitute investment advice or financial recommendation within the meaning of the law, including the Regulation of the Minister of Finance of 19 October 2005. The published content does not constitute an investment offer. is not responsible for decisions made based on the information provided. Investments in cryptocurrencies, OTC instruments and CFDs involve the risk of losing some or all of the invested capital. Profits on such markets are dependent on market volatility and the financial leverage mechanism used, which can lead to losses exceeding the value of the initial deposit. Therefore, such investments may be inappropriate for people who do not have the appropriate experience or risk tolerance.

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