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Company AiBlockchian (AiB) dealing with solutions blockchain based on artificial intelligence received a US patent Patent and Trademark Office (USPTO) on private blockchains. Its clients include a wide range of companies, including financial exchanges, hospitals, media companies, and supply chain platforms.

A new vision of blockchain technology

Released in early March this year USPTO patent for AiBlockchian was given the number 10579 974 and its full name is: Systems, Methods, and Program Products for a Distributed Digital Asset Network with Rapid Transaction Settlements.

It deals with the technology that allows private blockchains to quickly execute transactions related to digital assets. The AiB project was considered innovative, and its areas of application include: digital identity, cybersecurity, personal data applicable in financial services, financial exchanges, health care, real estate, supply chains and retail, as well as digital law.

Along with the development of blockchain technology, more and more doubts began to emerge, including with transaction speed, data usage and life cycle costs.

AiBlockchain helps in solving these problems thanks to patented technologies based on secure Amazon AWS cloud services.

The company has implemented carefully refined, unique architectural designs, dedicated to technological products. What's more, the solutions she proposes represent an unprecedented approach to security, encryption, transaction execution speed and customer service.

Healthcare benefits - Kafka blockchain

AiBlockchain has developed a regulatory compliant payment platform that healthcare facilities can use to pay physicians. Many of them do so today through a compensation mechanism known as Relative Value Unit (RVU) contracts, which can be complex.

Although medical organizations use formulas based on RVU, it should be borne in mind that calculating medical salaries is a rather labor-intensive process that reduces productivity. As a result, the time spent on patient care is reduced.

AiB has found a solution to this problem, and it is an open, efficient Kafka blockchain. It is based on a Java library capable of detecting tampering via the Kafka platform. All messages are properly encrypted and secured against tampering.

According to Stephen Reed, AiB programmer, the new project will find important applications in healthcare and financial institutions, where it is necessary to constantly improve safety and efficiency.

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