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Jesus Coin is a cryptocurrency - a joke. Interestingly, it has a whitepaper. If you want a laugh you can check it out. It doesn't seem to have any purpose other than to be famous for its name and its madness.

Jesus Coin is a purely speculative instrument, with no value or practical application behind it. This is where I should end my comment. The cryptocurrency world, however, has seen many projects that have been made for "eggs" and have survived. The crowning example of this is Dogecoin. During the bubble this type of coin can be pumped, e.g. due to Easter.

However, Jesus Coin should be considered only as a curiosity for speculators. Be careful with this type of "inventions" so as not to lose money. They can disappear from stock exchanges at any time, along with the funds we have invested in them. The same applies to hundreds of other coins and tokens, the existence of which is not supported by any idea, not related to any project with real application. They don't have to have a funny name to be worth as much as they were probably created for a Jesus Coin joke.

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