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Horum Bank launched his website. The Polish challenger bank has developed an offer based on technology for small and large companies blockchain - Horum Bank project. A new mobile bank is to be built over the coming months.

Website for those interested

On newly launched website users will be able to deepen their knowledge about what the new Horum project is, what are its key goals and on what terms cooperation can be established.

What's more, information on individual stages of work is posted on it on an ongoing basis. These are implemented under the sign of modern solutions, far from those used by classic banks, which, as provided by the management of Horum, do not have much in common with the specifics of the new project.

Horum project

Horum is currently working on a mobile application project that will contain all information related to the finances and business activities of the company.

What's more, thanks to the use of blockchain technology, access to the platform will be provided 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

The Horum offer will also cover multi-currency accounts, intelligent contracts and a wide group of tools to support business resources.

According to representatives of Horum, the bank they are creating will be based on two models: federal and B4B, and the key to its functioning will be blockchain technology.

Thanks to the solutions used, customers will receive the support they need and gain the opportunity to participate freely in the exchange of market knowledge. The payment method will be tokenizationand smart contracts will ensure a high level of security.

About Horum Bank

As a company from the Fintech group, Horum Bank is to initially run its business as a loan institution, offering financing to small and medium enterprises and credit cards.

The bank's founders are former employees PKO Bank Polski. Recently, Horum also established cooperation with IMB and Asseco Poland, thanks to which it will be possible to develop structures for the functioning of a global, mobile bank based on blockchain technology.

In this way, ultimately a modern technology platform will be created in the coming months, on which Horum will be able to display its products.


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