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According to the information provided by GoldFund.ionew ones were introduced BeefLedger tokens (BEEF). They are intended for trading on the GoldFund exchange.

Thanks to them, it will be possible to introduce more effective financial solutions for food supply chains, which will no longer be dependent on traditional banking and non-banking institutions.

BEEF token

BEEF to token utility, which is one of the elements in the payment ecosystem of the food supply chain BeefLedger. It has quite a wide application, because it can be used both when purchasing products, including beef and wine, and it can be exchanged or for digital certificates of assets, in the form of tokens. ERC721, or on digital units backed by digital assets represented by livestock, property, feed and other assets related to food system assets.

BEEF tokens are located in wallet MorphChat Telegram, which ensures simple and convenient use, without any additional costs.

They also find use in the tracking system blockchains BeefLedger, contributing to better traceability and authenticity of products.


The BEEF token means not only new trade opportunities, but also benefits for food supply chains. It gave them a chance to move away from traditional banking and non-banking institutions.

In addition, as part of the BEEF token tracking system, it is possible to implement innovative solutions relating to supply chain financing. The advantage is also that the new token also supports cross-border transactions regarding certified products.

Thanks to this, all related trade operations have a high level of security. System blockchainon which BEEF is based, is aimed at streamlining payments, modernizing the financing of the supply chain, reducing costs burdening on producers, as well as providing consumers with the highest quality.

At the same time, as BeefLedger representatives point out, food is a good that people will never give up, and what is more, it is forecast that the demand for beef will increase in the coming years as household wealth is gradually increasing.

About BeefLedger

BeefLedger is an integrated payment and security platform based on blockchain technology. The main idea of ​​the project can be reduced to using information about the origin of products in order to improve the payment system and build trust among participants in the supply chain.

The platform enables consumers to verify the credentials of the product they intend to purchase, while increasing efficiency in the supply chain. BeefLedger skillfully uses both the possibilities offered by blockchian and the performance cryptoeconomics.


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